Wednesday Night
Drive Thru Meals

Menu for March 12

Roasted Chicken (bone-in)
Braised Cabbage
Baked Beans
Yeast Roll

Dinner RSVP

RSVP to Chef Suzette before 2pm on Mondays by filling out the sign-up form below, calling 828-544-8127 or 828-437-2544 x118, or email [email protected].
You can contact us weekly or be on our permanent list (only call when you cannot pick up).

Meal Delivery

If you can't pick up your meals from the drive-thru, we will deliver to church members for orders of 2 or more plates and deliver to non-church members in the “Morganton area” for 4 or more plates.

Sign up for the next meal

Please fill out the form below to be added to the list for the next drive-thru meal.

If you would like to stay on the list permanently, please note that in your message.

Message Sent!

Your message has been sent successfully.

Click here for more information about the FBC Food Service Ministry.
We are permitted by the Burke County Health Dept and have a 100 rating. 

Where to pick up your drive thru meal

Drive-Thru Meals can be picked up in the East Parking Lot (highlighted in yellow). You will be greeted by one of the lovely volunteers once you are in line in the parking lot.