Children's Ministry

Sunday School

Sunday School provides a foundation for Christian education starting in the Nursery from birth through three years old. Four and five years receive a beginning foundation in Bible study and then transition to the creative Morning Star Bible Adventures. Vacation Bible School held each summer further promotes Bible learning and appreciation of God’s gifts. Annually, the Minister of Education offers a profession of faith class for children in grades three through five. Children learn how to become a Christian and what it means to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. They explore discipleship, active church membership, and the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Worship Service

When children promote to the four year old Sunday School class, they begin attending worship with their parents. During the worship service, they are invited to the front of the sanctuary for a Children’s Sermon. These creative, engaging Bible lessons tie in with the morning’s sermon topic and are enjoyed by adults and children alike. Following the Children’s Sermon, four and five year olds have Children’s Church where they participate in age-appropriate, fun, educational, social, and inspirational activities.

Mission Study

Children participate in mission study and discipleship training throughout the school year. Leaders engage the children in activities that promote learning, serving, praying, giving, and doing for others. Families often involve their children in local mission projects such as Mission Morganton as well as in regular, on-going service activities.

Special Ministries

First Baptist supports numerous special ministries for children and their families. The Church offers excellent, accredited Preschool and Afterschool Programs for children birth to twelve. Boys and girls can become active in high quality, award-wining scouting opportunities sponsored by the Church. Trained childcare providers are often available to care for young children in the Nursery during special events, meetings, worship services, and Center for Spiritual Formation courses.